Kult Comedy with ‘Red Pill , Blue Pill’


Datum en Tijd
vrijdag 14 juni
19:30 - 21:30


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Our first season at Kult Comedy is drawing to a close with our season closer, ‘Red Pill, Blue Pill’, on Friday, June 14. As first-time producers, running Kult shows has been an absolute blast. We had a range of performers and themes play at our venue to packed houses, and it was all thanks to you, dear performers and audiences, that these shows were a success. So thank you for all your support and keep supporting live comedy. If you haven’t booked your tickets for Red Pill, Blue Pill, do so asap. Tickets are selling out fast. And for those of you who can’t make it, the Kult will go on in September with new line-ups, bigger shows, and more laughs all around.